On 01/14/2005 04:07 AM, Charles R. Twardy wrote:
> Thanks Kevin!  That solves the problem on my iBook2. I haven't checked
> other cd/dvd functionality yet. Does it just disable the polling at
> wakeup, or all auto-polling?

Unfortunately I think it disables all auto-polling of the CD-ROM, so you
will have to mount CDs and DVDs (or start music/movie players) manually.
 I don't know of a better solution at the moment.

> I'll check the bugreport you noted when I'm next able, and post this
> workaround to the various sites I've consulted. (Several relevant pages on
> the Ubuntu wiki.)

Great!  Maybe this should go in the Sarge release notes, too (is anyone
with the ability to do this listening?)


Kevin B. McCarty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   Physics Department
WWW: http://www.princeton.edu/~kmccarty/    Princeton University
GPG public key ID: 4F83C751                 Princeton, NJ 08544

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