Em Tue, 11 Jan 2005 05:20:07 +0100, Dean Hamstead escreveu:

> I think adobe has alot to do with it. Anyone who makes any form of
> graphics (designers, artists all of various different persuasions)
> seem to just 'need' apple machines to work. even if photoshop or
> whatever runs just fine on a pc.

        For some reason the Mac OS has always supported Postscript
much better.  For example, encapsulated PS files (EPS) are just
natural in Mac OS, and a pain to use in MS Windows unless you have the
right software installed.  Once I read it was because MS didn't want
to license Adobe code nor validate a standard they didn't create,
sounds plausible.  Meanwhile Apple has no such problem, Postscript
having been there since nearly the start and the whole OS being
'imported' from a half-sister company who has always used Adobe code
anyway -- specially display PS (DPS), of which Quartz is basically a

Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete Dutra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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