Last year, I set up a Sarge on my Ibook G3, with 2.4.21 ben kernel and
everything works perfectly.
Now I would like to configure the CPU frequency scaling to boost the
battery. Reading the Howtos
around this argument seems essential to have a 2.6 kernel.
For now is not clear what would be the best choice for me, yet:
1) To compile a benh kernel
2) To use a precompiled kernel-image.
In first case what would be your advices ? On my machine (Ibook G3)
what would be the best 2.6 benh kernel series to use ?
and...would anyone so kind to send me his/her .config to speed the
compiling phase ? (I would like to use also the bluetooth through a
D-Link USB key)
In second case, an apt-cache search reported me a 2.6.8 kernel-image
for power3...it is the right version for my Ibook ? Anyone did use it
and could
advice me about eventually present pitfalls ?
Thank you in advance for everything