On Wednesday 05 January 2005 10:03, Sven Luther wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 04, 2005 at 10:39:15PM -0000, Leigh Brown wrote:
> > Sven Luther said:
> > > On Mon, Jan 03, 2005 at 11:11:06PM +0100, Ulrich Teichert wrote:
> > >> Hi,
> > >>
> > >> >Delete the "console=tty0", so you end up with:
> > >> >
> > >> > Linux/PPC load: console=ttyS0,9600 root=/dev/ram
> > >> >
> > >> >and try again!
> > >>
> > >> [del]
> > >>
> > >> Right, then the installer knows what to do. I think this should go
> > >> into the Debian installation docs, there are a lot of boxes with
> > >> graphic cards
> > >> out which are not supported by Linux.
> > >
> > > Err, it should default to vga tedxt mode if the graphic card fbdev is
> > > not builtin, at least it does it here.
> >
> > The PReP specs says that the cards should be initialised to a
> > minimum resolution of 640x480 iirc.  The boot loader has code to
> > manually reprogram the card *back* into VGA text mode, but only
> > for a very limited number of cards.  So, if your card is not
> > supported by fbdev, and isn't one of the very few supported
> > cards in the boot loader, it simply won't work under PReP.
> Ah, ok ... Well i have a cirrus logic card also, and it seems to work. I
> have anot yet tried the matrox cards though. Do they need to be special
> cards with forth rom, or will any do ?

Well, my box seems to have a matrox video card and I did the install with my 
graphical console, not the tty.

> BTW, i have another question. I am trying to fix debian-installer to create
> the prep partition, but i would like to have some info on the expected
> constraints of said partition. Some tell it has to be entirely in the first
> 8MB, others the first 5MB, and my powerstack has a 17MB boot partition
> right now.

All I can say, it's that my boot PReP partition is the 1st and about 4 MB in 
size (cannot size it less than 1% of the disk.....)
second partition is /
third is swap.

That works for me.

> I guess it is really not all that important what the size of the partition
> is, it just needs to be first, and the kernel needs to fit in what the
> firmware supports.

> This goes for various prep boxes, but also for later IBM chrp machines,
> including current pseries. It may be problematic, though if the size is too
> small, as debian uses an initrd kernel, and altough the kernel itself is
> rather small (around 1MB compressed), the current initrd generation method
> is not all that fine-grained.
> Ah, another thing. I am about to make a new kernel upload, which fixes the
> powerstack II (utah) pci irq issue (backported from 2.6.10), but i hear
> about problems with other systems, among them the popular 43p-140. Do you
> know of any other patch that needs to be applied ? We use a 2.6.8 kernel as
> basis, so the stuff will need to be backported, and i think i saw a bunch
> of prep fixes in 2.6.9. What about the patches which enables prep-tool ?
> Friendly,
> Sven Luther

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