Hi, I have successfully made my iBook to sleep on a lid close finally
(Bafter patching the kernel with Ben's 7th patches to linux 2.6.9. Thanks
(BBut after I install x-window-system and have the X server running, it
(Bdoesn't wake up properly. I have expected this since I have read about
(Bthis somewhere in the mailing list. I have to reboot it with Ctrl +
(BApple + Power. 
(BI tried to get further help from the mailing list but I could not
(Bsuccessfully catch the whole idea on how to turn around this problem.
(BThis is the current configuration:
(BDebian testing/Sarge PPC
(Bkernel 2.6.9 patched with ben's sleep patches
(Bapm_emu compiled as module and loaded at boot
(Bpbbuttonsd 0.6.3a-2
(Bpbbuttonsd.conf as attachment
(BAnd I found some scripts on the Internet which claimed to be able to
(Bsuspend iBook cleanly but I don't know how to apply them. Somemore they
(Bare for kernel 2.6.4.
(BCould anybody tells me what do I need to properly put it to sleep so I
(Bcan wake it up easily? A complete list of what to do or where can I find
(Bmore information would be highly appreciated.
(BPlease tell me if you need more information.
(BChoy   Kho Yee
(BDebian is my choice :D
(BMerry X'mas & Happy New Year!!!

Attachment: pbbuttonsd.conf
Description: Binary data

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