Excuse my ignorance since I'm really new to Linux. What are these
xfce4.2-RC3 and rox-filer packages?
On Dec 24, 2004, at 11:54 AM, Elimar Riesebieter wrote:
Hi all,
xfce4.2-RC3 and rox-filer packages for ppc now available at
Just put
deb http://www.lxtec.de/debarchiv binary-powerpc/
deb-src http://www.lxtec.de/debarchiv sources/
to your sources.list, do an apt-get update and type apt-get install
xfce4. I changed the depencies of xfce4 for installing all plugins
Many thanks for providing Debian-sources to Benedikt Meurer ;-)
Rox-filer is optional, but nice ;-))
Merry Christmas
what IMHO then?
IMHO - Inhalation of a Multi-leafed Herbal Opiate ;)
--posting from alex in debian-user--