On Thu, 2004-12-23 at 11:15 +1100, Dean Hamstead wrote:
> the pmac driver has issues on my imac dv, it works but alas
> it doesnt know what to do when plugging in headphones
> not to mention lack of input sensors for my ibook (clamshell)
> i realise though that if you cant get specs and no one
> wants to tinker around stuff wont get implemented.
> but if its in OSS...

Well, there are specs: the Darwin sources are available for all of Apple
sound drivers. It's just that there are approx. as many HW setups as
motherboards, so it's a bit of a mess, and I don't have much time to dig
into it (and I didn't write the Alsa driver).

But others are welcome to work on it & propose patches :)


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