Le mercredi 08 décembre 2004 à 10:07 +0100, Jack Malmostoso a écrit :

> 1) It is based on a ZyDAS chipset (zd1211, incredible uh!), and looking at
> the logo I think those people are closely connected to ZyXEL.

correct. from src/zdusb.c :

/* table of devices that work with this driver */
static struct usb_device_id zd1211_ids [] = {
        { }                                     /* Terminating entry */

so, there is definitely a link, and not only in name :)

> 2) The only info I found on this chipset is this:
> http://www.linuxant.com/driverloader/
> which means that *if* this driver works, is sure better than fooling
> around with windows wrappers.

windows wrappers are band aids. a native driver is good, but a GPL
driver is better. and a cleanly written native GPL driver... where do i
sign up!

> 3) I found only another occurrence of the driver on this page:
> http://home.arcor.de/ironpanther/usbstick/
> would be nice to know if Mr.Ironpanther here is the author of the driver
> or is just "hosting" it for unknown reasons.

keep me informed. i'm betting on "unknown reasons" though. the driver he
has on his site is an old version (4715?). All the names credited in the
sources appear to be ZyDAS employées, in taiwan. Note that i wasnt able
to find any email or name of a maintainer for the driver



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