On Mon, Dec 06, 2004 at 03:23:40PM +0000, Bjorn Johansson wrote: } Where can I find Netscape for ppc? } I think I found Netscape 4.72 for ppc att Netscape:s homepage, } but that is not good enough. I need a browser which I can make } bank transactions with. I tried Mozilla 1.8 alfa, and I managed to } log in, I didn't wan't to get any further than this. I don't know if } it's safe... } } So, unofficial debs for Netscape 7.x, that's what I'm after.
According to http://channels.netscape.com/ns/browsers/sysreq.jsp the Netscape browser is only available for Windows, MacOS X, and x86 Linux. It is built on mozilla, however. I recommend using mozilla 1.7 rather than the 1.8 preview/rc/alpha/beta/whatever. If you apt-get install mozilla-browser you will get what you need. } Kind regards } Bj?rn Johansson --Greg