Hi all, I've considering getting a network adapter for my iBook G4. I can't count on Broadcom, so I'm looking for alternatives. I've readed in some places different opinions about MA111 (NetGear) and some others adapters.
My question is obvious, what adapter would you recommend me? I'd like it to work under Linux and MacOSX (ok, only on Linux could be fine, but better if it's supported on both of them). Thank you in advance. -- EuropeSwPatentFree (o_.' Imobach González Sosa [EMAIL PROTECTED] //\c{} [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] V__)_ [EMAIL PROTECTED] osoh en jabber.at y jabber.org Usuario Linux #201634 Gentoo Linux con núcleo 2.6.9-gentoo sobre Intel Pentium 4 -- Este mensaje ha sido analizado por STEP On Line en busca de virus y otros contenidos peligrosos, y se considera que está limpio. 902 10 18 43