"Jose A. Ortega Ruiz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> but, whenever i try to run any java program, i get at some point an
> 'illegal hardware instruction' error (plus a java core file). for
> instance, if i run policytool (which comes with the jdk):
I remember reading something about how the IBM jdk uses some POWER ISA instead
of PowerPC. The Gentoo ebuild has this code:

        if use ppc; then
                dosed s:/proc/cpuinfo:/etc//cpuinfo:g 
                dosed s:/proc/cpuinfo:/etc//cpuinfo:g 
                insinto /etc
                doins ${FILESDIR}/cpuinfo

Which hacks the .so files to look at /etc/cpuinfo to get the cpu type, then
/etc/cpuinfo contains simply the line:

cpu             : 604e

I imagine that the two forward-slashes in the sed expression is so that the
replacement string is the same length as the original.

Hope this helps.



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