At what intervals does it check for mail? Is there an open bug on it on
the gnome site?

I haven't tried it out, but that is what I'd look for.

Best Regards,

- Mick

(o> Web / software developer
( )     UNIX Systems Admin
---   ~ ~

Jaonary Rabarisoa wrote:
On Tue, Nov 23, 2004 at 09:32:28PM +0100, Domingo Fiesta Segura wrote:

Are you (both) using the mail checker desklet? If yes remove it; I've seen
that desklet eating up all the CPU when is not properly configured.

In fact there's a problem with the mail checker desklet. I removed it
and it works better now. It sill uses about 15 %  of the cpu even when I
do nothing.

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