
Ever since i put 2.6.9 to try the sleep patches my fan fires to max
revolutions and my cpu seems to be hotter than ever. Before it went fired up
when compiling and/or encoding Oggs, but now even scping some files seems to
be too cpu-hungry to keep the cpu cold.

Any similar problems out there?

My machine is a ibook G4 12" 1GHz

Jesus Climent                                      info:www.pumuki.org
Unix SysAdm|Linux User #66350|Debian Developer|2.4.27|Helsinki Finland
GPG: 1024D/86946D69 BB64 2339 1CAA 7064 E429  7E18 66FC 1D7F 8694 6D69

And then he ran into my knife... he ran into my knife ten times.
                --June (Chicago)

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