On Sun, 14 Nov 2004 the mental interface of
Elimar Riesebieter told:

> Hi all,


> The sources can be found at:
> deb-src http://www.lxtec.de/debarchiv sources/
> $ apt-get source moc
> The binaries can be found at:
> deb http://www.lxtec.de/debarchiv binary-powerpc/
> deb http://www.lxtec.de/debarchiv binary-i386/
> $ apt-get install moc
> Please test it, support a patch to enable wav on ppc and send
> comments to me or Damian.

2.1.3 is now avilable ;-)


  Obviously the human brain works like a computer.
  Since there are no stupid computers humans can't be stupid.
  There are just a few running with Windows or even CE ;-)

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