I use cpu scaling and powersave governor trought cpufreqd configured manually to save the maximum power i can. My battery keeps on for about 3 hours.. (osx does nearly 5 hours)

cat /proc/pmu/bat* <- something like that (i'm using osx i dont remember)
here you see the istant discharge rate and the maximum capacity.
my maximum capacity is 3756 mA, and my istant discharge rate is about 1000 mAh. with a wireless plugged in and using the powerbook normally it is about 1300 mAh.. so it's about three hours.. can you tell me your istant discharge rate ?

Il giorno 07/nov/04, alle 00:55, Andrea Giusto ha scritto:

i use this to change my backlight
you can compile it using gcc and use it typing something like :
A./filename [n]
where n is the light value.

i'm italian too, you can find me on #nectarine (irc.nectarine.info) if
you want

Thanks for the backlight I will try it soon!
I have problems with power consumpion, my linux consumes more than osx,
do you have any tip for me ?
Do you use frequency scaling? Pmud? I dunno if Cpudyn works on powerbook but on my old laptop it did a great work at dynamically scaling cpufreq so that
maximum speed was used only if needed. Give it a try.

Alle Friday 05 November 2004 2:41 pm, Andrea Giusto ha scritto:
Thank you very much I will give a look to that thread

ps. questo è per il feedback del forum :) mail private già spedita ...

Alle Friday 05 November 2004 2:33 pm, lunaticmarkino ha scritto:
On Fri, 5 Nov 2004 10:49:36 -0800, Andrea Giusto wrote:
Hello everybody, I am new to debian but I have been using exclusively
linux on an Intel for one year (of which I am kinda proud :) )!Now I
bought a PowerBook 12'' and Debian works great on that but I have three
problems up to now that I cannot solve:
1) I cannot control LCD brightness (I installed pbbuttons with the gtk
plugin, It works, but the brightness is unchanged). When I modprobe
ans_lcd it complains that there are wrong symbols (?)

ssearch in the archives. there is a thread called "Brightness control
on PowerBook G4...". i haven't read yet, maybe is what you looking

ps. sei di bologna? email strana la tua, @economia.unibo.it, devi
essere uno "grosso" di economia, visto che a me hanno dato solo
@studio.unibo.it ;)


Davide Bertola.
admin : www.dadeb.it
co-admin : www.nectarine.it
webmaster, co-admin :  www.secretcoders.com

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