Good day to you, First, I must solicit your STRICT confidence in this Proposition, this is by virtue of its nature as being utterly, CONFIDENTIAL. I have decided to contact you after serious consideration to participate in a business transaction the value of USD38.5M.My name is Jonathan Russell I work with one of the leading private and offshore banks in the U.K with Headquarters in London.
The Proposition: On January 6, 1999, an Egyptian oil consultant/contractor, Mr. Youssef Genidy George, made a numbered time (fixed) deposit for 24 calendar months value US$38.5M in my bank. On maturity, we sent a routine notification to his forwarding address but got no reply. After a month, we sent a reminder but unfortunately we found out that he was amongst the victims of the EgyptAirFlight 990 that occurred September 1999, months after he made the deposit. Visit the site below for more news on the unfortunate tragedy. After his death, several attempts have been made to try an contact any of his relatives but all efforts were to no avail. Right now, my bank is at the edge of declaring the funds UN CLAIMABLE since nobody has come forward to claim the deposited money and according to the regulations of my bank, which states clearly that, "Any account left Dormant for up to 3 years would be declared UN CLAIMABLE. Mr Youssef unfortunately did not leave a beneficiary's name with my bank nor did he leave the name of his next of kin. It is inlight of this that I have decided to contact you to stand in as the beneficiary of the deposited funds by the late MR Youssef.Since I work in the bank, and in my capacity as an executive, I will, with your assistance procure all necessary documents to make you the beneficiary of the deposited fund. We will work hand in hand to ensure that all relevant documents are processed and submitted to the bank to enable approval in your favor after which the money would be trannsferred to your account directly. I have decided that upon the successfulconclusion of this transaction, the following shall be the sharing patter of the deposited funds: 40% will go to you 5% will be kept aside for any expenses incurred during this transactionAnd I will take the rest 55%. I want you to kindly provide me with your private phonen and fax numbers for easier communication. I will await your response. Kind regards, Jonathan Russell