Hi, Nori Heikkinen writes:
> i just got a new iPod, and have been happily mounting and unmounting > it on my debian box (x86) with the mount command all morning. [confusion galore] Let me try to clear up things a bit. 1. Regarding device nodes. You are accessing the iPod either via Firewire or via USB. No matter what, it will appear to the Linux kernel as a SCSI disk. All SCSI disks known to the Linux kernel are numbered /dev/sda, /dev/sdb and so on in the order they are found. If you are not sure where to find your iPod, check the file /proc/scsi/scsi, it contains information on all connected devices. Also, check the dmesg output to see what was found last and how it was named. 2. Regarding partitions. /dev/sda is the whole iPod, complete with partition table, firmware, data, everything. Do not attempt to mount it unless you have very good reasons to do so. Instead, mount the data partition only. Since you have a Mac iPod, it is called /dev/sda3. /dev/sda1 holds the partition table (yes, the partition table is in its own partition), /dev/sda2 contains the firmware. 3. Regarding read-write mounts. Support for HFS+ exists both in the Linux kernel itself ('mount -t hfsplus') and in the userland tools packaged as hfsplus ('hpmount'). The former is evolving fast, the latter is as good as dead upstream. For these very different reasons, both should be used with the same large amount of caution. Do not mount your iPod read-write unless you absolutely have to. 4. Regarding HFS+ on the iPod. Given the state of HFS+ support in Linux, you may be better off converting your iPod to FAT. Even though this will turn it into a so-called Windows iPod, it will remain usable from Mac OS X. Regards, Jens. -- J'qbpbe, le m'en fquz pe j'qbpbe! Le veux aimeb et mqubib panz je pézqbpbe je djuz tqtaj!