Hi ...

I'm brazilian and my English is horrible !!!

let's go...

I'm trying boot a IBM RS/6000 E30 powerpc 604e-233Mhz, 512Mb RAM,
5*9,1Gb (SCSI), etc...

I've been reading from http://home.tiscali.be/philippe_andersson/rs6000.html 
but it don't work. I can't make a workable floppy disk for this
machine, it just don't boot.

I used a zImage.prep from Leigh's patch...

Anyone help me please...  I'm confused !!!

Is this machine prep or chrp boot?

|> Amadeu Jr. :: Estudante de Ciência da Computação - UFBa
                        Secretário de Esportes - DACOMP - www.dacomp.im.ufba.br
                        Membro do GAVRI-IM - www.gavri.im.ufba.br
                        Bolsista IC - Projeto i-MIRA - www.imira.dcc.ufba.br
|> Mensagem :: "A desobediência é uma virtude necessária à criatividade"

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