from time to time I try to get my iBook (12", G4, 1Ghz) running on linux.
First thing: I don't get the secondary charcters which you activate via
the meta key not to appear. Characters like "|,{,},[,]@" and the like
don't appear. As if the "alt" and "option" key are numb.
So, what is my problem here? Guess, something with keyboardlayout. So
how do I get my keyboard to work?
I know that the normal suspend to ram doesn't work. But from what I've
read in the recent mails it seems that suspend to disk is working. How
do I get this running? I've apt-get the 2.6.8 kernel, but doing "echo
disk > /sys/power/state" doesn't do anything. Nothing.
I've downloaded the kernel source for 2.6.8, with the powerpc patches
and the pmdisk diff for 2.6.8, patched the kernel and tried to compile
it. The compiling hangs every time at the module pmac with some
unresolved symbols dealing with ide_dma stuff.
So, please help me! Could anyone please post me a more or less detailed
description of how to get the keyboard and suspend to disk to run?
That'd be great!