
thanks for your quick answer.

On 28.08.2004, at 09:34, Jack Malmostoso wrote:

Ciao Andreas Rueter, nel tuo messaggio dicevi:

has anyone experiences with TV-capturing via USB with Debian on an
iBook? I bought along with my iBook an El Gato Eye TV digital video
recorder. This is the only thing I still use my OSX for. Ideas?

I guess you should google about the Video4Linux project, noting carefully
what dmesg says when you plug the USB in and such...

On my iBook, dmesg shows nothing (!?). Connected to my FreeBSD-File-Server
dmesg prints the folllowing:

ugen0: El Gato EyeTV, rev 1.10/0.01, addr 2

Mhmm, on the v4l websites is nothing to find about "el gato", only about the support for devices of the company "gato". Means "gato" "el gato"?

Thanx again

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