the installer installs the x86 version. i managed to extract the
smac*.run file
and look inside it. there is a directory called smac-6.0a-ppc.
it has a ppc static binary for something called loki-patch which seg
faults when run.
i think the problem is here . because the binaries are not being patched.
solution: patch it by hand
chmod 755 smac-install-ppc
./smac-install-ppc --target /tmp/smac
install it , lets say to /usr/local/smac.then
cd /tmp/smac/smac-6.0a-ppc
./bin/Linux/ppc/loki_patch patch.dat /usr/local/smac
works for me now.
thx for your info.
Brad Boyer wrote:
On Sat, Aug 21, 2004 at 12:04:17PM +0100, Deidre Nair wrote:
i bought Alpha centauri planetary pack from loki when it came out.
I was wondering it there is any way of getting it running on debian
I have a powerbook G3 and i'm running sarge snapshot from a few weeks ago.
Now i installed loki_update and loki_uninstall and found a planetmirror
archive for
smac 6.0a which is supposed to run on PPC. that installer runs OK but i get
"not a dynamic executable" error when i try and run smacpack or smac.
readme says it needs glibc.
any help would be apreciated
My first suggestion would be to find some of the binaries that got
installed by this installer and run file and ldd on them. This will
confirm what file format and architecture they are and what dynamic
libraries are needed.
Based on that error, I would guess that one of the x86 binaries got
installed by mistake. I know I got it working at one point, but I
seem to recall that I had to put some effort into getting the ppc
patch to install. I'll try to look for the copy of the patch I got
at that point and see if it works for me.
Brad Boyer