On So, 2004-08-22 at 22:01 +0100, Matthew T. Atkinson wrote: 
> 'ello,
> Trying to compile kernel-source-2.6.8 (Debian package) with make-kpkg. 
> It seems to compile the kernel fine but make-kpkg dies at the stage of
> building the debian/buildinfo file.
worked fine for me.
(am running debian unstable and the kernel from kernel.org on a
Powerbook5,2 right now and I think I have everything I need working
right now except for suspend.)

> Is this the case for others?  I am desparate to sort out my sound/cpu
> frequency issues 

could you probably be more specific about those issues? What kind of
hardware are we talking about? What sound-problems? I never had any real
problems when compiling alsa-powermac-stuff as [M].


Timo Reimerdes

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