Is it possible to run linux on top a mac os X system?
There are some programs that only run under linux which I need for my
work. But most of my work is done under Mac OS X (on an iBook G3 700).
I already installed a debian system on my iBook (but erased it since it
was not very parctical to switch from a system to another).
I don't need Xwindows although beeing able to launch X11 application
from linux that connect to my apple X11 server would be helpful. And I
don't need any fancy hardware gestion (mouse, keyboard, DVD, USB,
Firewire...). I juste need to be able to launch some programs that run
under linux in a command line and of course being able to read the
result (files).
Thanks in advance.
BTW, my question was inspired from the project: MOL
http://www.maconlinux.org/ . Searching the web for "linux on mac OS X"
only gives pages that explain that linux can run on a Macintosh...