* Jack Malmostoso said:
> Ciao Dennis Kaandorp, nel tuo messaggio dicevi:
> > I've created a patch for Tormso (http://torsmo.sourceforge.net/) to show
> > the cpu temperature and fan speed.
> Ok, I'll be the one asking it: could you give some more info, please?
> Thank you!!!

$ cd torsmo-0.17/
$ patch -p1 < /path/to/patch/torsmo-0.17-adt746x-dk.diff
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
$ cp torsmorc.sample ~/.torsmorc

Edit ~/.torsmorc and put something like "cpu temp: $adt746xcpu" and "cpu
fan speed: $adt746xfan" to the bottom.

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