Robert Staudinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Am Fre, den 06.08.2004 schrieb A. Michael Salem um 1:47:
>>   I know this is a frequently asked question, but I'm new to linux and I
>> can't for the life of me get java-plugins to work with mozilla. I've been
>> searching a lot on these lists but nothing is working. Does anybody have
>> clear instructions on how to get this working. Thanks a lot and sorry for
>> not being able to figure this out.
>> Michael
> Maybe this would be of interest for you:
> There have been task on this mailing list a few weeks ago that a
> packaged version should be available for unstable soon.

Michael Koch (one of the upstream dev) is in the NM queue at the
moment. He already packaged jamvm (a free java virtual machine) and I
think gcjwebplugin does work with it, but I think he is very busy with
other projects at the moment (classpath, gcj, etc.)

I'm Cc'ing him, so maybe he'll post some news about gcjwebplugin.


 : :' :rnaud
 `. `'  

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