On Fri, Jul 30, 2004 at 10:41:19AM +0200, Sebastian Henschel wrote: > * Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-07-30 10:21 > +0200]: > > On Friday 30 July 2004 09.41, Sebastian Henschel wrote: > > > > > > Can anyone recommend a good usb 802.11b/g adaptor? I have the ibook > > > G4.
I use a Netgear MA111 which works quite good with linux-wlan-ng, but is only a 802.11b stick. I don't know any good 802.11g adaptor that works via USB at the moment.. > > Is this one of the cards that can also work as access point? (I have an > > old ELSA MC-11 which will probably be replaced sometimes soon because > > it apparently does not work as access point) > > dunno, the driver seems to support it: > http://prism54.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=615 The driver supports the chip, but it doesn't support the usb stuff, yet.. Regards, Florian -- BOFH excuse #193: Did you pay the new Support Fee?
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