
I was advised to ask here after asking a similar set of questions on
debian-users (didn't realise there was a dedicated group).  Anyway, I
was thinking of getting the 1.5GHz 15'' model and have a few questions. 
I'd be really grateful for any information you may have on the

* Does anyone know of any production issues this time around (as there
were in the past, I hear)?  I've had a google but not found much. 
Having said that I wouldn't really know where to look as I never had a
Mac before :-).

* Does Debian testing/unstable work on these machines?

* Is it possible to eradicate all traces of OSX from the hard disk?

* Would it be possible to re-install OSX at a later date if I'd done the

* Does it void the warranty (I'll be getting the 3 years extended
support) if I remove OSX and/or install Linux?

* What bits of the hardware does Debian _not_ support (e.g. ACPI,
Wireless, Bluetooth, DVD-R, 3D graphics, sound)?

* If I got a PS/2 -> USB adaptor for my Natural keyboard, is it likely
to work with the machine?

* Have you any miscellaneous tips/advice for someone coming from an
almost exclusive x86 background (using Sid/Sarge on the desktop and
Woody on a server for the past 1.5 years)?

Thanks very much in advance for any info you may have,

best regards,

Matthew T. Atkinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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