Greetings I have just installed Debian onto my G3 clamshell ibook. Yellowdog was bugging me and I wanted to run XFCE4. I resorted to installing Woody 3.0r2 and then installing XFCE4, Synaptic, Firefox and a couple of other apps from sarge.
I want to upgrade the kernel to something newer than 2.4.18 : I also haven't been able to get sound working properly on this machine - Yellowdog did it fine! I tried to install kernel-image-2.6.7 but synaptic told me that I needed to reconfigure my bootloader so that it can install kernel images : and to be honest, I have no idea what that means. Could someone please suggest the necessary steps to load a newer kernel onto this machine, and configure it so that I can play sound. I have searched through the archives but I haven't found the specific information I'm after: so I thought I'd ask... What do I need to do? I would just like kernel 2.6.7 and a working sound system under XFCE4. How do I go about doing it? Thanks. I appreciate everyone's patience and assistance. -- Matthew Prouse, Trainee Economist & MandrakeMag Editor, URL -