Hell[o], Some time ago a weird problem hit me from nowhere and generaly I have no ideas what I can do about it.
The problem is related to my soundcard. Now I use SBAudigy card and ALSA 1.0.5a on Pegasos 2 machine with G4 1GHz CPU. I like to listen mp3 files when working, but now it is impossible. After random amount of time (Sometimes 15 min, sometimes 2h) music stops without any reason and XMMS program displays requester telling me that I should chceck is my card is propetly plugged in to the slot or is any program use sound card now (This is impossible because only XMMS is running) After such situation I can't find any errors or warnings in the log files, completly nothing. Restarting alsa also not help only reboot. This is realy anonying to reboot after 1-2h of work :/ No errors and random nature of this problems realy makes hard for me to fix it or just say what is wrong. First I think it's a hotplug (I upgraded it short time before this problem apear) but not, second idea was a kernel but this was also missed shoot because I have it on 2.6.5 and 2.6.7 kernels too. Anyone can give me any hints ? If more informations are required just tell me. Regards -- :: Morgoth/Dreamolers-CAPS && TBS :: ::: Homepage # http://dreamolers.meanmachine.ch ::: ::: Homepage # http://www.tbs-software.com/morgoth ::: :: Email # [EMAIL PROTECTED] :: ::: GG # 3681372 ::: :: Pegasos User&Developer ::