> I tried to install Mono using apt-get. Seems, for PPC at least, there 
> is an unmet dependancy: mono-assemblies-arch.
> Has anybody else tried running Mono on PPC Debian? Is there a solution 
> to this problem, other than building from source?

Well, I did, but it might not have been the most simple way to do it...

Actually, the solution is quite simple: build the mcs source (which
gives mono-assemblies-arch among other things) yourself. However, to do
that, you need to already have a working mcs (the mono C# compiler)...
This all looks just like a beautiful mess to me. I managed to build the
package using a mono installation I made from tarball, and now have a
working mono installation on my PPC. Ask me if you have any question,
I'm no gooroo, but I hope I'll be able to help.

However I can tell you that mono works great on PPC, I'm actually using
it to develop a toy app, and notticed no PPC related problem so far.

Hope this helped.

Alain Perry

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