On Sun, Jul 18, 2004 at 02:19:12PM +0300, Meelis Roos wrote:
> SL>         10000003        scsi    ncr53c8xx       53c825
> SL>     <data class='linux'>
> SL>       <data version='[2.6,inf)' class='module'>
> SL>         <data class='name'>sym53c8xx</data>
> SL>       </data>
> SL>       <data version='[2.2,2.6)' class='module'>
> SL>         <data class='name'>ncr53c8xx</data>
> SL>       </data>
> SL> So, this means that for 2.4, ncr53c8xx gets loaded, and for 2.6 and
> SL> discover2, sym53c8xx gets loaded, while 2.6 and discover1 gets loaded.
> The correct one with 2.6 and later 2.4 is sym53c8xx_2 in my experience -
> note the _2. This is the newer and actively maintained driver.

Notice that the sym53c8xx_2 module is also called sym53c8xx.ko :

 ls /lib/modules/2.6.7-powerpc/kernel/drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/

The old sym53c8xx driver is not build for powerpc. And indeed they are
both mutually exclusive.


Sven Luther

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