Richard, Maybe the best use you could make of your remaining machines is to send one or two of them to Sven for use in debugging oldworld-powermac installation problems.
Is this possible? Rick On Tue, 2004-07-06 at 02:03, Sven Luther wrote: > On Mon, Jul 05, 2004 at 09:18:03PM -0400, richard.miller wrote: > > > > Err, your other address is bouncing. > > > It's a G3 desktop (beige, oldworld) powermac. > > Ok, debian is known to install work on those. > > > I've basically given up on the thing since once I get to the point of making > > the system bootable with quik (and even trying to go in and set and the > > nvsetenv boot configurations) I get a fatal error of it not being able to > > find the right ata disk partition. > > This is with debian-installer's version of quik ? I suppose you where > never able to reboot them, right ? > > > I've tried re-ordering the root partition to 1st or 2nd, etc. and nothing > > works - always the same fatal error that I cannot recover from since I can't > > boot from CD or floppy. > > We have to perfect the miboot floppies, where you able to test them, or > not ? > > > And if it seems odd that I'm able to take multiple tries at it, it is > > because I have at my disposal about 10 of these machines, of which I have > > not been able to install debian on about 6 of them. > > Cool. I will be getting an oldworld machine in the next days/weeks, so i > will be able to do testing on it which would help you. I have no > experience whatsoever with quik though, except that it always tries to > install itself on my system where it has not even the remotest chance of > running. > > > I'm reluctant to exhaust the remaining 4 not because they are useful to me > > (they're ultimately going to surplus if I can't get a linux distro on them) > > but because this is a waste of my time and I'm a little in over my head when > > it comes to having to decipher open firmware commands. > > > > Any help you can give though, would be greatly appreciated. > > Well, the help i can give is helping to get support in the > debian-installer for them, but for that i need more exact report of what > you are trying to do, including how you are installing, what image you > are using for it, and what the results are. > > Keep in mind that i have no experience whatsoever with oldworld pmacs > though. > > Friendly, > > Sven Luther >