hi, Debian testing, kernel (self compiled) 2.6.6
I do not seem to get support for dead_keys in my ibook. None (tried them all ) in the keymaps in /usr/share/keymaps work for those dead keys. My locale is en_US.ISO-8859-15. the keyboard is American English. I try to modify my /etc/console/boottime.kmap.gz but apparently I do something wrong :( Funny things: 1) when I try showkey -m and press the key with the apostrophe and double quote on it, it tells me that its keycode is 39. However, if I take a look in /etc/console/boottime.kmag.gz, keycode 39 = semicolon colon alt keycode 39 = Meta_semicolon shift alt keycode 39 = Meta_colon this is what I see, keycode 39 is associated to the key next to it on the kbd, and the values for keycode 40: keycode 40 = apostrophe quotedbl control keycode 40 = Control_g alt keycode 40 = Meta_apostrophe shift alt keycode 40 = Meta_quotedbl are the good ones. :? So I try swapping those values, right? Wrong! I cannot use the kbd if I do, all the keymaps are wrong then. I have read the man pages of loadkeys, showkey, dumpkeys, ..., but I am at a loss. Perhaps can you help? TIA, N.Asenjo