Hello !
I was running "testing" on my beige G3 with kernel 2.6.6. I used a
little Partition with MacOS 9.1 on it to boot with BootX into Linux.
A few days ago I did what I always do "apt-get update, apt-get upgrade"
and then there was the final question about quik and if it should
install to boot from /dev/hdb9. And stupid me I typed return. At the
next reboot my beige G3 could not start into linux :-(
How do I get my old boot-sequenze back?
Every hint is highly welcome.
I thougth of "dd" some blocks from a bootable disk to my unbootable
disk but I do not know which blocks to copy.
Dipl. Ing. Christoph Ewering
C & E Mediensysteme GmbH
Autorisierter Apple Händler und Systemhaus in Paderborn
Hatzfelder Str. 68F Tel.: 05254 - 80 68 66
33104 Paderborn Fax.: 05254 - 80 68 64
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Mob.: 0173- 566 266 1