I was just about to install X-windows on my new Debian PPC system, and was wondering if the instructions I found were still up-to-date (I don't think the page I found them from has been updated for a while), or if people are doing something else. By the way, I have a 15" Powerbook 867 Mhz Combo Drive.
The instructions I found said to add "deb http://people.debian.org/~daenzer/dri-trunk/ ./" to my sources.list, then install the packages x-window-system-core,x-window-system, drm-trunk-module-src, xserver-xfree86-dri-trunk, and xlibmesa3-dri-trunk. It then said to build drm-trunk-module-src (and provided instructions). Is this the best way to do it? Thanks for any advice. __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail - 50x more storage than other providers! http://promotions.yahoo.com/new_mail