On Thu, Jul 01, 2004 at 10:11:14AM +0200, Timo Reimerdes wrote:
> On Do, 2004-07-01 at 07:17, Sven Luther wrote:
> > 
> > Well, the M9 is well documented, and should be no problem, the main
> > point is that his version has a Radeon Mobility 9700 for which little is
> > known.

Actually, it's not yet really *my* version. The uncertainty with
respect to graphics/sleep support still prevents me from going
shoppping ;)

> Well, 
> I am running a Powerbook G4 with the [Mobility Radeon 9600 M10] and no
> suspend working here :(
> I hope those ATI-dudes really chnge their mind, get off their ***** and
> give some love to benh ;)

>From what I understand, ATI (other than Nvidia) at least cooperate to
some degree. I hoped to hear that this is still the case and that it
just needs a little time. I'm patient but I don't like the idea to
have a portable computer that I might never be able to put into sleep.

Carsten Milling

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