On Sun, 27 Jun 2004 14:04:02 +0100
Sam Halliday <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

SH> hi there,
SH> to anyone looking for keymaps for the new iBook G4 British keyboard;
SH> i have attached the console-data keymap (save as
SH> /usr/share/keymaps/mac/ibookg4-british.kmap.gz). type
SH> `install-keymap ibookg4-british` once to load and save the keys for
SH> good.) this keymapping was written by George Wright
SH> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and i performed a few minor edits to make it agree
SH> with the MacOS behaviour.
SH> also attached is the xkb extension file (save as
SH> /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/symbols/macintosh/gb_new). to use it add
SH>   Option "XkbModel"  "macintosh"
SH>   Option "XkbLayout" "gb_new"
SH> to the keyboard rules in your XF86Config file.
SH> these files have been sent to the relevant package maintainers for
SH> hopeful inclusion in the next release.

Calling it an ibook-g4 map is not really accurate. It also works for the
G3 iBooks which lack a # key (I have a G3 600MHz from mid-2002 and it
works on that). Thanks.


| James Tappin           | School of Physics & Astronomy |  O__    |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | University of Birmingham      | --  \/` |
| Ph: 0121-414-6462. Fax: 0121-414-3722                  |         |

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