Timo Reimerdes wrote: > On So, 2004-06-27 at 14:17, Derrik Pates wrote: > > > > The only time I ever ran into anything like that was when I enabled > > DevFS, and had the kernel mount it on boot, but didn't have the devfsd > > package installed. You sure you didn't do something like that? Maybe try > > adding 'devfs=nomount' to the kernel command line when you're booting to > > see if that's it. > > > Actually I did switch from devfs to udev since devfs is being obsoleted > by it. So I guess that udev is kind of responsible for refusing the > tty's. > I checkt my .config and didn't find anything I would suspect to be > messed up.
have you got /dev/pts support (in pseudo filesystems)? if you disabled devfs, it is a common mistake to forget to select pts again (as devfs includes it) cheers, Sam -- Free High School Science Texts http://www.nongnu.org/fhsst/ Sam's Homepages http://fommil.homeunix.org/~samuel/ http://www.ma.hw.ac.uk/~samuel/
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