On Wed, Jun 23, 2004 at 10:51:26PM +0100, Sam Halliday wrote:
> i haven't installed X yet. i choose (in kbdconfig)
>   mac / Unknown / British / Standard / iBook2
> i also choose
>   mac / Unknown / British / Standard / Standard
> but it was soooo fscked up i needed to use the debian installer (btw... what
> about a "rescue" option??) to copy over the .old keymap.
> so, conclusion is... the keymap is fubar OR i have a keyboard which hasn't 
> been
> mapped yet (unlikely)
> from some googling, the way debian is interpreting my keyoard is as if it 
> looked
> like this:
>   http://store1.yimg.com/I/lovemacs_1790_40211439
> but it is not like that, and i cannot find an image on google. some major
> differences are that i have the tilde/comment key beside the left shift (not 
> top
> left) and in the top left i have a plusminus/chapter key. i also have pound
> sterling (£) as the shift key 3 and hash (#) as the alt gr key 3 (although it 
> is
> not marked on the keyboard).

There are HOWTOS on installing Debian on iBooks.  I don't remember
which one, but at least one described how to set up you own keymap. 
In this case, it was for a german one, but the principle is the same.
Please, when you have a sufficiently working one, submit it as a bug
report (I think it was console-common).  I did this for the german
variant, and on the next install keyboard was working from the



Helge Kreutzmann, Dipl.-Phys.               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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