It does.  You only get one processor running, of course.

That would be way better than what I have now :-)

I have an install CD that doesn't boot, so I am SOL.

This is very strange, because I tried the very same CD on what I
believe to be the same hardware (a dual 2GHz G5).  While neither
install-power4 nor install-power4-2.6 actually got into the
installation system, the kernel did boot.

OK, well, let's clarify a few things. First off, I have a dual 1.8 GHz G5. I wouldn't expect that to matter, but there is one significant difference in the hardware: PCI (on my machine) vs. PCI-X (on yours). Second, what exactly do you mean by "kernel did boot" but didn't get "into the installation system"? The behavior that I am seeing (as I mentioned) does not involve the Tux icon in the top left corner, nor does it involve any scrolling text that would indicate devices being detected or drivers being loaded . If you see either of those, then you are farther ahead than I am.

My yaboot is 1.3.12, btw. The last message I see is "openpic2: exit", which I believe is in the kernel?



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