I really don't know the URL of the CD I got.  I
searched on google and downloaded one when I finally
found it.

Do you have a link to a version that you recommend?  I
can try using that version of the installer.  Thanks.

--- Colin Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 11, 2004 at 09:56:14AM -0700, Doug
> Mellot wrote:
> > I went to debian.org and got the .iso for the
> testing
> > release of Debian PPC.  I got the minimal install
> CD. 
> Exactly which CD did you get? (URL)
> > I burned it to a CD and booted with the CD.  I
> then
> > went through the installation process.  It
> appeared to
> > go well, and asked me to reboot, which I did. 
> Here is
> > the screen I get when I turn my computer on:
> > 
> > ...ok
> > opening display /[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ATY,Xia_13...ok
> > copying of device tree...done
> > calling quiesce...
> > booting...
> It's possible it's installing the wrong kernel, I
> suppose.
> > But it is lying when it says "booting...," because
> it
> > never does so.  I even turned my computer off and
> on
> > several times-the same thing always happens.  I
> would
> > greatly appreciate any help, because I can't even
> get
> > into yaboot.conf.  This is annoying because I
> can't
> > get to yaboot.conf (and hence go to OS X), so all
> my
> > computer can currently do is turn on and display
> the
> > message posted above.
> It seems bizarre that you don't get the early boot
> menu, at which you
> can press X to start Mac OS X. That depends on
> exactly which image
> you've got, though.
> You may be able to hold down Option during boot to
> get the in-ROM boot
> menu.
> > I still have the Debian install CD I burned if
> that will help.
> You can always boot from the CD, run up past
> hardware detection, and
> then mess around on tty2. That way, you could mount
> the target root
> filesystem and see what kernel it has on it.
> Cheers,
> -- 
> Colin Watson                                 
> -- 
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