On Wed, Jun 09, 2004 at 11:26:47AM +0800, cuijianw wrote:
> Hi:

Hi there,

> I am going to install debian on my new ibook G4 933. I want to known the 
> support status on ibook's internal modem. My questions are following:
> Is it supported and able to work at 56K? 
> Do I need some patches? 
> Witch kernel version should I use?

I think (as in I don't know for sure) it comes with a hcfusbmodem like
the iBooks before; with linux 2.6 the modem is not officially supported, 
there's a driver but it ain't working anywhere reliable. With 2.4 the 
modem is supported but with limited speed (28K?), the one working with 56K 
is commercial (something like 15-30$)
Both driver are available from www.linuxant.com

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