On Wed, Jun 02, 2004 at 04:36:55PM +0200, Michael Schmitz wrote:
> which is a modification of my initial patch posted to debian-powerpc
> (for 2.6.5, http://lists.debian.org/debian-powerpc/2004/04/msg00116.html)
> to support 2.6.7, fix bugs in signal handling and preempt the forever
> boring config issue (people selecting both SUSPEND and PM_DISK options).
> I've inspected the patch to make sure it's just that.
It actually has some more cleanups to make it fit more nicely into
upstreams notion of what PM_SUSPEND_DISK means, but that's really about
it. I hope Ben forwards some parts to Andrew soon.

> The pmdisk suspend functionality is sufficiently arcane to trigger that it
> won't happen accidentially. Hence, it won't cause any harm to have it
> compiled in. IMHO.
 -- Guido

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