
Sven Luther writes:

> > And I would suggest to use kernel-image 2.6.5-powerpc, which has
> > everything(including 3D acceleration) working perfectly. 
> I doubt 2.6.5-powerpc is still available.

It's not in sid any more, but hasn't expired from sarge yet.  This
could happen anytime, though, so nobody should recommend it.

> > Depending on your usage of USB you may not use 2.6.6-1
> > kernel-image which is a bit unstable regarding USB
> Ah, so you see that also on pmac ?  I have also problems with that,
> altough on pegasos hardware.  2.6.4 seemed to exhibit the same
> problem though, maybe to a lesser degree though, so i don't know if
> this was not the case in 2.6.5.

By all means, try to reproduce it as good as you can and then file a
bug report.  No use sticking with obsolete kernel revisions for fear
of them being `a bit unstable' and never finding out the reason.

Regards, Jens.

J'qbpbe, le m'en fquz pe j'qbpbe!
Le veux aimeb et mqubib panz je pézqbpbe je djuz tqtaj!

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