Once upon a time (Tuesday 01 June 2004 0009), in a land far, far, away, 
somebody calling themself Ed Sutherland inscribed this message:
> This is not meant as flame-bait, but an honest question: aside from the
> open vs proprietary debate, what reasons can readers give for the
> average desktop computer user to switch from Apple's Mac OS X to
> Debian, YDL or any of the many PPC Linux distros? Thanks.

Check the recent discussion at


for why some of us like debian in particular, vs. other distros.  Also 
check other replies in this same thread.  I can't really give much insight 
into your particular question because I switched from OS 8.6 to linux 
because linux was 1) free, 2) could do a whole lot more than os 8.6 given 
the same hardware.

Also, please do try to keep discussions on list.  I don't terribly mind 
getting personal mail, but it's more useful for people who are wondering 
the same things as you are if the discussion is archived in a 
Google-accessible place.  You will also get more useful information that 
way. :^)

It is so stupid of modern civilization to have given up believing in the 
devil when he is the only explanation of it.  - Ronald Knox

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