Once upon a time (Tuesday 01 June 2004 0009), in a land far, far, away, somebody calling themself Ed Sutherland inscribed this message: > This is not meant as flame-bait, but an honest question: aside from the > open vs proprietary debate, what reasons can readers give for the > average desktop computer user to switch from Apple's Mac OS X to > Debian, YDL or any of the many PPC Linux distros? Thanks.
Check the recent discussion at http://lists.debian.org/debian-powerpc/2004/05/msg00181.html for why some of us like debian in particular, vs. other distros. Also check other replies in this same thread. I can't really give much insight into your particular question because I switched from OS 8.6 to linux because linux was 1) free, 2) could do a whole lot more than os 8.6 given the same hardware. Also, please do try to keep discussions on list. I don't terribly mind getting personal mail, but it's more useful for people who are wondering the same things as you are if the discussion is archived in a Google-accessible place. You will also get more useful information that way. :^) NRH -- It is so stupid of modern civilization to have given up believing in the devil when he is the only explanation of it. - Ronald Knox