> I noticed too that these module provoke the yellowish symptom on the > radon 7500 with dual screen (dual layout or xinerama, i.e. with dri > disactivated), nevertheless, the tint disappears with mergedfb or with > single head, i.e. dri activated. > > It seems to me that dri initialization solves > the yellow symptom. Does anyone has a patch for making it disappear > even without dri ? Michael ? I could not find it... >
Problem here: There's an ATI 9600 in my powerbook, wich isn't really a supported piece for dri (hopefully yet). So I cannot use this. *shameonme* I guess I'll use google to look for some info on this "mergedfb" now. Never heard of it before. > Sometimes it would be convenient to activate dual layout, and to have > two distinct screen. > I have used a desktop setup like that for a year, it is really nice to have the API's right beside your emacs ;) -- Timo Reimerdes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>