First, hello. I'm new to Apple hardware, newish to debian and moderately 
competent with Linux. I'm not feeling very competent atm however.

The system is an ibook 900Mhz. I am trying to install Debian testing as the 
only OS using the boot CD and a network install.

i have at least one problem but maybe more. They are as follows:
        1.) apple_bootstrap partition not created.
        2.) No installable kernel.
        3.) umount error of /dev/pts and /dev/shm

1.) apple_bootstrap
The error on partition creation states that no newworld boot partition exists 
even if it does. I don't know whether I've been trying to do the right thing 
but this has been reported before (judging by Google searching) so I won't 
waste your time with a description of my various attempts. Can anyone tell me 
in step-by-step idiot speak how to get past this stage?

I attempted to carry on regardless and came up against the following:

2.) No installable kernel
Sorry I can't reproduce the error in order to state the message exactly but it 
went along the lines of:
        "No installable kernel can be found in the apt-sources list. If you 
want to     
        continue despite this unusual error......."

3.) umount of /dev/pts and /dev/shm
Carrying on with carrying on regardless I am now getting:
        "The debootstrap program exited with an error (return value 1).
        Check /var/log/messages or see virtual console 3 for the details"

cat /var/log/messages gives me:
        "umount /target/dev/pts: no such file or directory"
        and similar for shm, followed by various other errors in a similar vein.

How do I switch virtual consoles btw? ALT and a function key doesn't seem to 

Thanks for your time and (I hope) patience,


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