On Mon, 2004-05-10 at 03:52, Cedric Pradalier wrote:
> According to Adam Israel, on Sun, 09 May 2004 18:55:53 -0500, 
> >I've got Debian sid installed on my iBook (G3, 800Mhz).
> >
> >Maybe I'm misunderstanding how power management works on the PowerPC,
> >or maybe something is misconfigured.  It seems that the battery only
> >lasts for about 2 hours.  I'll watch the battery drain to around 85%,
> >and then it drops to 0%.
> I don't understand what is occuring. Mine goes for about 3h30-4h00, with
> low backlight. Maybe your battery is badly calibrated

Is there a way to re-calibrate the battery then?  FWIW, the battery
usage seemed just fine under OSX.  The testing I did was with the
backlight on the lowest possible settings.

> Note also that USB devices consume a lot of energy, even when sleeping :
> my ibook can't pass the night sleeping with an usb mouse, and stand 3 or
> 4 days without.

I don't have any USB devices plugged in.

> >
> >I've tried using pmud and apmd, and both had the same behavior (though
> >pmud actually suspends-on-close whereas apmd didn't).
> You should not use apmd. The ibook chip is pmu.
> >
> >/proc/pmu/battery_0 looks like on full charge:
> >flags                : 00000011
> >charge               : 21768
> >max_charge   : 21886
> >current              : -1174
> >voltage              : 11674
> >time rem.    : 66750
> This is odd also : mine looks like : 
> flags      : 00000011
> charge     : 4125
> max_charge : 4147
> current    : -1163
> voltage    : 11947
> time rem.  : 12768

There seems to be quite the difference between yours and mine,
specifically the charge, max_charge, and time remaining.  I wonder if
this is causing a miscalculation somewhere.


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