Dear list,
what software can you recommend for capturing screen movies? I want to
record movie sequences on my 1024x 768 G3 PowerBook Lombard, therefore
the solution I am looking for should consume little CPU.
I have tested the beneath stated software. However, none of them I
could get to work properly.
1. Xvidcap (
Xvidcap is beta and requires ffmpegs libavcodec. It records single
frames or movies. During recording it drops many frames, so that the
recorded movies play back too fast. It has got a nasty bug that causes
'Segmentation fault'-Error upon typing 'gvidcap --fps 10 --cap_geometry
1280x1024+0+0 --gui no --file out-%02d.xwd' on the command line. After
that, xvidcap cannot be used anymore.
2. xwd - convert (ImageMagick) - mencoder
This shell script captures a row of screenshots in xwd-format, converts
them into .jpg's and encodes them with mencoder. The result I got was
bad image quality and wrong movie size (smaller)
#! /bin/bash
while [ $i -lt 30 ]; do
xwd -silent -root -out `printf snap%02d.xwd $i` &
sleep 0.25
for snap in snap*.xwd; do
convert $snap $snap.jpg
mencoder mf://*.jpg -mf type=jpg:fps=4 -ovc lavc -lavcopts \
vcodec=mpeg4 -oac copy -o output.avi
3. import (ImageMagick)
Every single .miff-file takes 7.6Megabyte. Converting takes forever and
eventually crashes (improper image header)
# A simple bash script to screen capture
# Supply the number of captures as argument (./ 100)
let x=1
# loop until it has captured the number of captures requested
while [ "$x" -le "$1" ]
import -window root "capture$x.miff"
# uncomment the line below
# if you want more time in between screen captures
# sleep 2s
let x+=1
4. vnc2swf (
vnc2swf creates .swf-movies. It requires a VNC server and Ming. I
failed compiling Ming-0.2a. Installation succeeded on Mac OS X. The
movie runs smooth. But I could not share the existing display, I always
get a new Desktop. How can I share the root display through VNC? How
can I get Ming running on Debian?
Help highly appreciated. Thanx!
Cheers, nico
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