I have an ibook G4 and Ive been happily using debian-ppc since I got it,
but there are two nagging issues that I would like to ask this list
about.  The first is how do I get the caps lock key to turn into a
control key on a 2.6 kernel? I have goolgled for this extensively and I
can't seem to find anything useful.  I have the NOCAPS thing in my
XF86Config-4 file, but still no control, the caps key has no effect.
>From what I can tell this is an ADB problem that the keyboard sends
different key codes when the key is pressed and released.  Is there any
way to get the kernel to send the same keycode both time? Or a way to
get the capslock key to send control that I have yet to come across.  
The second question is, what is the status of sleep on my laptop.  I
heard something about it being because the radeon couldn't be woken
after sleep.  Is this still the case? If so when, if ever, do you think
I will be able to put my ibook to sleep and wake it up?  Also, is there
anything I can do to speed a long the process?  I have already emailed
ATI telling them how much I love their product and would love it even
more if I could put my laptop to sleep.  
Thanks for any help/information.

Scott Henson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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